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Exogeodynamic processes of river Kissikhevi

Author: Bakur Jinoria
Keywords: exodynamic processes, Risk assessment, interdisciplinary scientific fields

The article is about Risk assessment of exodynamic processes (landslides, mudflow, erosion, rockfalls) on the riv. Kisiskhevi which is located in Telavi municipality. Conducted field research which includes interdisciplinary scientific fields (geology, geomorphology, hydrology, soil, forestry), The data in the article were used for basin management of the area. The research was conducted out in 3 stages: 1. searching for materials - processing, 2. conducting field research, 3. processing of materials obtained during field research. The article describes aims and objectives, the methodology used during the research, the obtained results and the conclusions prepared based on it. About the exodynamic conditions of Riv. Kisishkevi.

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