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Revealing the 2D atomistic structure and collective spin effects in electrolytic environments by techniques of advanced cyclic voltammmetry and computer modeling

Author: Dimitri Khoshtariya
Keywords: 2D Nanostructures, Voltamperometry, 2D Modeling, Electrons/Holes, Spin Condensate.

The XXI century is marked by the increasing rate of development of science in the study of low-dimensional matter, especially 2D surfaces and their contact layers in both, fundamental and applied directions. The unprecedented development of fabrication (assembling) technologies for single-, two-, and multi-layered heterostructures that are determinative at the atomic level has made it possible to create such the diverse and yet unique nano-devices describable by completely new physical (collective spin) characteristics, while from the applied (nanotechnological) point of view, by highly attractive functional capabilities. In the framework of this project, we offer to deal with the amazing properties of effectively bilayered hybrid 2D nanostructiured matter capable of a coherent exchange multi-electrons/holes supported by the electrolytic enviromenment, the occurance of what would be really unthinkable to science a few decades ago. In recent preliminary studies, we have extended the representations of already conventional “dry” 2D spintronics to systems that, along with (or instead of) the transition metal-based (or organic) semiconducting layers constituting traditional physical (all-solid-state) components, also contain a typical chemical component, namely an electrolyte solution (offering the bias voltage circuiting), as well as the bioactive component, one of the well-known amino acids, namely L-Cysteine, which is self-assembled on a conducting platform (gold-electrode) and itself performs three (!!!) functions, namely: (1) Modifies and additionally activates the gold-platform electrode by terminal sulfur atoms, leading to magnetic activity of the electrode layer in terms of the possible interplay between the ferromagnetism and ultimate anti-ferromagnetism. (2) Forms the charge non-bearing (impermeable) layer of hydrocarbon interlayer film, to be crossed (individually or coherently) by exchangeable electrons/holes; and (3) Uses its functional ("external") carboxylic groups to capture redox-active copper ions (Cu-II), which in two different 2D configurations may form a simple, electrostatically arranged redox-active counter-layer along to one mentioned above, capable of exchanging single electrone/hole and, alternatively, the antiferromagnetically ordered redox active counter-layer, capable of forming the quasi-excitonic condensate together with its gold based counterpart, and coherently exchange with it multiple electrons/holes (Boson-like quasi particles). This unique arrangement occurring thanks to the powerful complex quantum proximity effect allows for the appearance of unique voltammetric signal properties that are unprecedented in spintronics and, potentially, create great prospects for the development of new branches of quantum electronics and quantum energy nanotechnologies.

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