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Finding lemmas in agglutinative and inflectional language dictionaries with logical information systems: The Case of Georgian verb
Author: Archil ElizbarashviliCo-authors: Archil Elizbarashvili
supervisor: Magda Tsintsadze. Associate Professor (TSU), Mireille Ducassé, Professor, INSA-Rennes, France
Keywords: E-dictionary, lemma, Inflected forms, Logical Information Systems, Semantic web.
Semantic Web and Linked Data
Author: Archil ElizbarashviliCo-authors: Archil Elizbarashvili
supervisor: Magda Tsintsadze. Associate Professor (TSU), Mireille Ducassé, Professor, INSA-Rennes, France
Keywords: Semantic web, linked data, WWW, RDF, URI.