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"Xenobiotic substances in food and their influence on body metabolism"

Author: Temuri Mantashashvili

The increase in the number of synthetic and xenobiotic substances in food products is a global problem of the modern world, because these compounds appear to be the cause of many diseases. It is established that the systematic intake of existing compounds can adversely affect the living system. For example, a number of experimental studies confirm a close connection between food additives and the development of tumors in the body. Such xenobiotic compounds have an impact on both metabolic processes and quantitative changes in various signaling agents, which ultimately results in the formation of oncogenes and disruption of cell division regulation. It has been shown that preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers, antibiotic substances, flavor regulators and enhancers present in food have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract, in particular on enterocytes, which ultimately leads to the disruption of the functioning of the digestive system, which manifests itself in the formation of such pathologies as diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, Gastroenteritis, etc. It is known that benzpyrene and bisphenol-A (BPA), found in smoked food and canned products, are strong carcinogens, the increase in the amount of which in the body has a negative effect on the functioning of the cell, and the disruption of the cellular metabolism, in turn, leads to the activation of oxidative processes and, accordingly, the formation of active radicals, which is followed by this If the tumor development of that system. It has been shown that the above-mentioned compounds damage the areas of the genetic material where the information about the enzymes of the antioxidant system (catalase, SOD) and proteins involved in the regulation of the cell cycle (p53, p21, p16, CDK, E2F, Rb) is encoded. Scientific studies have established that even the quantitative reduction of these substances in food products, many times reduces the risk of such diseases as tumors, cardiovascular and nervous system diseases. However, it is unfortunate that despite this knowledge, companies continue to use harmful substances in food products.

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„საკვებში არსებული ქსენობიოტური ნივთიერებები და მათი გავლენა ორგანიზმის მეტაბოლიზმზე“ [ka]

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