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Radio Clocks

Author: Giorgi Dolidze
Keywords: Radio clocks, Radio Controlled Clocks, Synchronization, Time Code

Radio clocks, or as they are referred to, radio-controlled clocks (RCC), receive time codes and synchronize with Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) with great accuracy. The main specific accuracy is of the order of microsecond. RCCs are equipped with radio receivers that receive signals from atomic clock stations. Until recent time, the RCC was not available to the average user, until the 90s, similar clocks were used in laboratories for particularly accurate devices. Today it can be purchased as a watch for various purposes. RCC is found in everyday electronic devices - telephones, televisions. The proliferation of RCCs is one of the most important developments in timekeeping. Perhaps in the not-too-distant future, every clock will be synchronized to the correct time with great precision. In this paper, the working principle of radio clocks (RCC) and their related protocols are described and explained in detail. In addition, the opportunities and advantages created by them will be discussed in a broad perspective.

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