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An innovative spectrometer and its advantage used in photovoltaic systems

Author: George Kachlishvili
Keywords: innovative spectrometer, photovoltaic system

The topic of my dissertation is an innovative spectrometer developed by us as an optical part of a highly efficient photovoltaic system. First of all, in a nutshell, let us look at what is the main drawback of existing optical spectrometers. Spectrometers of any type can be characterized with three main parameters: 1. Aberration in the approximation of Geometric optics; the less, the better. 2. The size of the aperture in the approximation of wave optics; the more the better. 3. The transparency of the spectrometer. The more transparent the better. It turns out that when we improve one of these parameters, the other two immediately deteriorate, and therefore they cannot be optimized for all tasks. In addition, their price is very high. We managed to solve the optimization problem. Therefore, we can optimize the ideal spectrometer for a solar cell so that the efficiency was maximum and the price was minimal. We have already developed a theory and are now creating a prototype.

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