
Evaluation of the effect of epigenetic modulator - 5-azacytidine on antigen-presenting cells
Author: Nino MaisuradzeAnnotation:
Cancer remains one of the unsolved problems of medicine of the 21st century, the mortality caused by cancer is high. Prostate cancer deserves special mention, as the main means of treatment for patients is still hormone therapy. Unfortunately, the latter is not a universal therapeutic agent and is less effective for some patients. Therefore, it is increasingly important to search for and create a new generation of highly effective and less toxic drugs, and complex approaches are of particular interest due to their broad spectrum of pharmacological activity. Combined therapy is a successful attempt to enhance the anti-tumor immune response and achieve a corresponding sustained effect. In this regard, epigenetic modulators are particularly interesting, whose immunomodulatory effects are increasingly visible. Because dendritic cells (DCs) have the unique ability to activate naive T cells, which in turn provides the induction of a primary immune response. Also, by means of modulation of DC function, a specific immune response can be controlled very effectively. In this study, we identify a new possible mechanism of action of 5-AzaC, which can exert complex effects on DC. Within the framework of the present project, the effect of epigenetic modification of immunocompetent cells and its combination with nanotherapy was studied. The aim of the said study was to determine the epigenetic and immunomodulatory effect ex vivo and in vivo; Evaluation of the efficacy of 5-AzaC and nanotherapy in vivo; Marking and monitoring of settlement of immunocompetent cells.