
PROMETEO: Design and Prototype
Author: Pavle TsotskolauriKeywords: ATLAS Detector, Tail Calorimeter, LED Driver
This document describes the specifications of the Portable ReadOut ModulE for Tile ElectrOnics (PROMETEO) system, the PMT-Block teststand and the super-drawer teststand to be used during assembly, installation and maintenance of TileCal phase-2 at HL-LHC. Those teststands will also be used during testbeam periods. During ATLAS Phase-II Upgrade almost every electronics component of the Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) will be upgraded. The new on-detector readout electronics system requires a new portable system that will certify its correct functionality during the assembly, installation and maintenance periods. PROMETEO is an upgrade of the current MobiDICK system [1] that was used to test current electronics during the Long Shutdown 1 and 2. PROMETEO must be modular, easy to use, relatively cheap, autonomous and portable system. The PMT-Block teststand uses the PROMETEO system together with a dedicated black box to certify the PMT-Block with light pulses. The super-drawer teststand allows to test an entire super-drawer inside a light-tight box and verify individual PMT-Block response to light pulses.