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Determination of main ions and several heavy metals in Georgian commercial mineral waters with MP-AES

Author: makrine nikolaishvili
Keywords: heavy metals, main ions, microwave plasma atomic emission spectrometry

Water is an essential and unique component of the environment. It is not only of utmost importance for human beings, animals and plants, but it also largely determines optimal economic growth and stability of the country. Due to these reasons, conducting research on commercially produced waters maintains constant relevance in order to ensure its accordance with the respective technical reglaments in terms of multicomponent composition. The main goal of our study was to analyze Georgia-based commercially produced 5 natural mineral waters („Likani“, „Borjomi“, „Nabeghlavi“, „Sairme“, „Kobi“) and 8 non-carbonated spring waters („Sno“, „Es wyali“, „Geo natura“, „Geo natura Basti bubu“, „Nakaduli“, „Bakhmaro“, „Mtis wyali“, „Bakuriani“). We aimed to determine the concentrations of essential ions and several heavy metals contained in the mentioned waters by employing Microwave-plasma atomic emission spectrometry method. Within this research, we have determined pH, following essential ions (HCO3-,Cl-, SO42-, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+), heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Mn), oxidizibality and F-. The results mostly ranged within the limits given on the labels, although, there were a few instances of higher concentrations concering HCO3-, SO42-, Na+ ions in several natural mineral waters.

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მთავარი იონების და ზოგიერთი მძიმე მეტალის შემცველობის დადგენა საქართველოს კომერციულ წყაროს და მინერალურ წყლებში მიკროტალღური პლაზმის ატომურ-ემისიური სპექტრომეტრის გამოყენებით [ka]

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