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Radioactive Element Thorium and its Mineralization in Shkhara Granitoid Massif
Author: Rabi Gabrielashvilisupervisor: Karlo Akimidze, Avtandil Okrostsvaridze
Keywords: Thorium mineralization, Shkhara pluton, Shkhara massif
lithospheric plates boundaries:divergent and transform
Author: tengiz shubitidzesupervisor: zurab Lebanidze
the boundaries of lithospheric plates; Convergent boundary
Author: Mixeil Arjevanidzesupervisor: zurab lebanidze
Geology and manganese minerals of Chiaturi manganese deposit
Author: anna kikvadzesupervisor: Mariam Akhalkatsishvili
Shallow gas anomalies in the black sea
Author: Demur MerkviladzeKeywords: Gas, Black Sea, OMV Petrom
The role of pyroxene group minerals in the formation of igneous rocks and their microscopic diagnosis
Author: ani kandelakishvilisupervisor: karlo aqimidze
Geometry and kinematics of fault-propagating folds
Author: Davit Tsutskiridzesupervisor: Zura Lebanidze, Viktor Alania, Onise Enukidze
Study of hydrothermally altered zones within the Gujarat-Khachkovi ore field using Terra ASTER multispectral satellite data.
Author: Giorgi Mindiashvilisupervisor: Zurab Lebanidze, Davit Bluashvili.
Keywords: Ore field, Remote sensing, Hydrothermal alteration, Gudjareti-Khachkovi, Ore.